Welcome to our FAQ section, where we aim to provide clarity and assistance on the most common questions you may have about Buyerry. We understand that the world of online shopping, powered by AI, can be exciting yet filled with queries. This resource is designed to address your concerns, from how our platform works to privacy and security measures, and everything in between. If you can’t find the answers you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team. Let’s navigate this journey together, making your shopping experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible.

What is Buyerry, and how does it work?
Buyerry is an AI-driven shopping platform that personalizes your shopping experience. Our AI analyzes your requests and preferences to curate product recommendations from various retailers, making shopping efficient and tailored to your tastes.
Is Buyerry a shopping marketplace, or do you sell products directly?
Buyerry is not an online store. We act as an intermediary, connecting you with products from various retailers. When you make a purchase, you are directed to the respective retailer’s website for the transaction.
How does Buyerry protect my privacy and data?
We take data privacy seriously. Your data is encrypted and stored securely, and we only use it to enhance your shopping experience. We do not share your personal information with third parties without your consent. You can read more in our Privacy Policy.
Can I specify preferences like brand, price range, or product category?
Absolutely! Buyerry allows you to set preferences for brand, price range, and product categories. Our AI uses this information to refine your recommendations further.
How do returns and refunds work with Buyerry?
So far, returns and refunds are handled by the retailer from whom you made the purchase. Each retailer has its own return policy, which you can find on their website.
Are there any fees for using Buyerry?
No, using Buyerry is entirely free for shoppers. We earn a commission and a flat fee from retailers when a purchase is made through our platform.
Can I track my orders through Buyerry?
Yes, you can track your orders by visiting the respective retailer’s website or contacting their customer support. Buyerry provides you with order details and links to the retailer for easy tracking.
What happens if I encounter an issue with a product or order?
In case of any issues, please reach out to the retailer’s customer support first, as they are responsible for order fulfillment and customer service. If you require assistance from Buyerry, you can contact our support team.
How can I provide feedback or suggestions to Buyerry?
We value your feedback! You can send us your suggestions and comments through our website’s contact form or by reaching out to our customer support. Your input helps us improve our platform for everyone.
Is Buyerry available on mobile devices?
Yes, Buyerry is accessible on both mobile devices and desktops. And the most out of your experience you will get using your mobile app. You can enjoy personalized shopping experience on your smartphone or tablet.
What can I buy with Buyerry?
While Buyerry offers a wide range of products, certain restricted or prohibited items may not be available. These restrictions are in line with the policies of our partner retailers and local regulations.